Beyond the obvious

by rjs
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Published on: December 3, 2012

Beyond the obvious

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah NasruddinOnce young Nasruddin was sitting by the side of the lake when he saw a flock of ducks swimming in the water. He was quite hungry so he thought he’d try to catch one of the birds. As he tiptoed to the edge of the water, though, the ducks honked and flew away.

For a moment Nasruddin stood in frustration, then, thinking quickly, took a loaf of bread out of his pocket, broke it up into small pieces, then dipped the pieces of bread into the lake, and ate them.

Hussein was passing by and saw Nasruddin squatting at the water’s edge. “Say, Nasruddin,” he called out, “what are you doing?”

“What I am doing . . . should be . . . perfectly obvious,” Nasruddin replied, between bites. “I am eating . . . duck soup.”

Excerpted from The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin: Stories, Jests, and Donkey Tales of the Beloved Persian Folk Hero



Your Daily Nasruddin

What is plainly apparent to one person may not be so obvious to another. It’s a matter of perception and perspective.


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