I Knew You Back When

by rjs
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Published on: February 9, 2013

I Knew You Back When

. . . continued from previous entry. . .

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah NasruddinAs the kids were leaving the market, Nasruddin called out after them, “When I was a young man, you should have seen me ride! I was a master donkey jockey, known throughout all of—”

But the boys weren’t listening and Süleyman’s angry glare cut him short. Nasruddin offered a quick, quiet salaam to Süleyman. Still sore and limping slightly from his fall, Nasruddin beat a hasty retreat.

“Utter nonsense, Nasruddin,” he muttered to himself as he hobbled away, “You’re not kidding anybody. I know how you were in your youth, and you were just the same.”

. . . to be continued . . .

Excerpted from The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin: Stories, Jests, and Donkey Tales of the Beloved Persian Folk Hero

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