Full Cover Reveal of The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin redesign

Bear Bones Books is pleased to announce the pending release of the redesigned edition of The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin: Stories, jests, and donkey tales of the beloved Persian folk hero, collected & retold by Ron J. Suresha.

Once, when young Nasruddin was acting up in class by distracting his friends with endless antics, jests, and stories, his irate teacher uttered a curse: “Whatever you do or say,  people will only laugh at you.” Now, eight centuries later, children, adults, and wise fools everywhere are still laughing at Mullah Nasruddin (Nasreddin Hoca), one of the world’s most beloved folk characters. This entertaining and insightful retelling of more than a year’s worth of daily Mullah stories brings the famed Persian legend into the Twenty-First Century. Storytellers, folklorists, Sufis, comedians, wisdom seekers, and everyone who loves to laugh will be enriched and enlightened by the timeless wit, inscrutable wisdom, and uncommon sense of humor of Mullah Nasruddin.

~ An Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award Winner

~ A Storytelling World Honor Book

“A fine pick and very highly recommended.”    — Midwest Book Review

softcover: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982055677

hardcover: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZD8T75S

ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0793GYM8S

audiobook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ECFH8J0/

“Ridiculously funny”

Review in Storytelling Society Self praises Extraordinary Adventures

from a review by Prof. Sandra Bird in Storytelling Society Self (2018)

Personally, I would categorize this work under “adult” literature. Suresha inserts a forewarning in this edition, cautioning readers “of the inappropriateness of this book for children” . . . . The themes of this work, including some outrageous behaviors on the part of our beloved character . . . are not the stuff that one generally associates with a man of a religious vocation. And yet, despite all intentions to respect Nasruddin’s function, stories such as the Mullah sending off his donkey “son” (the supposed consequence of his indulgence with his donkey, Karakacan) to become an educated scholar is ridiculously funny.

Storytelling, Self, Society, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2018), pp. 156–160. Copyright © 2018 by Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI 48201

The Mullah Nasruddin’s tradition is marked by illuminative stories that can be appropriately shared by the Imam at the Friday prayer in the masjid while another might be delivered by the boisterous pottery merchant in the tea room after prayers. Such is the stuff of real humans. The author has done an excellent job researching and adapting these stories from the originals to provide us with a better view of the unpredictable reality of human beings. The author’s roundup is exhaustive, perhaps one of the most honest of all English collections that have been published as popular Mullah Nasruddin literature.

Storytelling, Self, Society, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2018), pp. 156–160. Copyright © 2018 by Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI 48201

Exchange rate for pants

A Mullah Nasruddin story

Mullah Nasruddin ordered a new shirt from Hussein the tailor, and when it was ready, he went to the tailor’s shop to pick it up.

Cover art of the book, Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin, by Ron J. Suresha
Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin

After Nasruddin paid for the shirt, he decided to shop for some new pants. He chose a nice pair of baggy pants and tried them on, and the two bargained and agreed on a price.

Not even a minute later, Nasruddin changed his mind, took off the pants, and returned them to Hussein. Then, he picked out a cloak and asked how much it cost. Hussein informed him it was the same price as the pants.

He picked up his shirt and the cloak, gave Hussein his warmest thanks, and began to leave. Hussein stopped him saying, “But Nasruddin! You have not paid me for that cloak.”

“Nonsense, Hussein, my friend. I paid you for the shirt, and left you the pants,” the Mullah explained patiently, “which you told me would cost exactly the same as the cloak.”

“Yes, but you didn’t buy the pants.”

“Of course I didn’t pay you for the pants,” Nasruddin rebuffed. “Why would you expect me to pay for something I didn’t buy in the first place?”

retold by Ron J. Suresha

Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin

Best-loved tales of the famous funny folk hero

An endearing collection of the most beloved Mullah Nasruddin folk tales and jokes for the entire family to enjoy.

Available everywhere in a variety of print and digital formats on these platforms, from Bear Bones Books.

Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin ~ Softcover

Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin ~ Hardcover

Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin ~ Kindle

New collection of Nasruddin favorites – now in print!

Bear Bones Books announces the publication of a new collection of the most popular Nasreddin Hoca folk tales and jokes, in multiple formats on several platforms available everywhere.

Best-loved tales of the famous funny folk hero

by Ron J. Suresha

Favorite Stories of Mullah Nasruddin

Mullah Nasruddin, the eight-centuries-old “wise fool” character originating from Turkey and the Levant, is the subject of thousands of funny, wise tales, jokes, and anecdotes told across the Middle and Far East and retold today around the world. 

Extensively researched and carefully chosen from beloved authentic sources by an award-winning author, these pithy stories and folk tales are certain to bring readers a smile, nod, or chuckle of self-recognition on every page.

More than one hundred of Mullah Nasruddin’s most endearing, enduring stories, gathered here by an award-winning author, will amuse, illuminate, and captivate readers of all ages with Hoca’s ageless, unique humor and universal humanity. 

  • Bear Bones Books
  • Release Date: March 1, 2020
  • Pages: 208

The pile in the vineyard

The pile in the vineyard

A Mullah Nasruddin / Nasreddin Hoca story

One day, the youngster Nasruddin was passing a vineyard and was very thirsty, so he jumped the fence and began to pull down and gobble the luscious grapes. But Bekri, the owner, spotted him and yelled, “Fool, what in Allah’s name are you doing?!”

Mullah Nasruddin
Mullah Nasruddin

“I came here to empty my bowels,” said Nasruddin innocently.

Bekri said, “And just where did you leave your little gift of manure?”

The boy looked all around, but saw nothing with which he could justify himself.

Finally, he spotted a mound of donkey manure and exclaimed, “There it is!”

“What kind of fool do you take me for? That’s a pile of donkey dung!” said Bekri.

Unruffled, Nasruddin replied, “If that heap is neither from you nor from me, then I really have no idea from whom or what it might be!”

Retold from Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin by Ron J. Suresha

Just in time for April Fools Day, 2021: now available in hardcover!

Order the softcover from Amazon here.

Order the audiobook read by Ted Brooks from Audible here.

Order the ebook from Amazon Kindle here.

Order the book from Amazon.uk here.

Order the book from Goodreads here.

Middle of the mat

A Mullah Nasruddin / Nasreddin Hoca story

Middle of the mat

Mullah Nasruddin
Mullah Nasruddin

Once when Mullah Nasruddin was traveling with Faik and Hussein, the three men realized they would have to shelter overnight together in the cold. Faik suggested, “We should all buy a mat and a blanket together.” Hussein agreed.

Mullah stated firmly, “I’ll buy the mat and share it with you, but not the blanket. And you must agree that I will not sleep at either end of the mat.” And he paid the other two for just his share of the mat.

Faik and Hussein could not obtain the mat without the Mullah’s contribution but, thinking they would not share the blanket with Nasruddin, they agreed. The three men bought the mat and the other two bought the blanket. 

Nasruddin stretched out in the center of the mat and promptly fell asleep. Now, if the other two wanted to share it, they either had to sleep on either side of him, holding their end of the blanket, or tear the blanket in half so that each man could have his own.

Nasruddin enjoyed the warmth and cover of the blanket, snoring snugly between his two companions, without paying so much as a copper.

Retold from Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin by Ron J. Suresha

Just in time for April Fools Day, 2021: now available in hardcover!

Mullah Nasruddin books both now in Hardcover!

“Uncommon Sense” & “Extraordinary Adventures” — acclaimed Mullah Nasruddin story collections now in Hardcover from Bear Bones Books

Just in time for April Fools Day!

Both of Ron J. Suresha’s acclaimed Mullah Nasruddin story collections are now available in hardcover!

Mullah Nasruddin (Nasreddin Hoca), the eight-centuries-old “wise fool” character originating from the Levant, is the subject of thousands of funny, wise tales, jokes, and anecdotes told across the Middle and Far East, and retold today around the world. 

These pithy stories and folk tales, extensively researched and carefully chosen from beloved authentic sources by an award-winning author, are certain to bring readers a smile, nod, or chuckle of self-recognition on every page.

Hundreds of Nasreddin Hoca’s most endearing, enduring stories, gathered here by an award-winning author in two volumes, will amuse, illuminate, and captivate readers with Nasruddin’s ageless, unique humor and universal humanity. 

#MullahNasruddin #NasreddinHoca


The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin:

Stories, jests, and donkey tales of the beloved Persian folk hero

ISBN: 979-8722301024

NSR3c cov


Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin:

Naughty, unexpurgated stories of the beloved wise fool from the Middle and Far East

ISBN: 979-8723457614

Nasruddin – ahora en español

by rjs
Categories: Announcements
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Published on: March 25, 2021

Estas dos aclamadas colecciones de historias de Nasruddin ahora están disponibles en español.

Both acclaimed collections of Nasruddin stories are now available in Spanish from Bear Bones Books / Babelcube.


El sentido poco común del inmortal mulá Nasrudín

El sentido poco común del inmortal mulá Nasrudín

Historias, bromas y cuentos de burros del querido héroe popular persa

por Ron J. Suresha

Traducido por Adriana Allende

ISBN: 978-1-54759-395-8

“Una buena elección y muy recomendable”. — Midwest Book Review

Una vez, cuando el joven Nasrudin actuaba en la escuela, distrayendo a sus compañeros de sus estudios apropiados con interminables travesuras, bromas e historias, su iracundo maestro lanzó una maldición: “Lo que digas o hagas, la gente solo se reirá de ti”. 

Ahora, ocho siglos después, los niños, los adultos y los tontos sabios de todo el mundo todavía se ríen de Nasruddin (Nasreddin Hoca), uno de los personajes populares más queridos del mundo. Este recuento entretenido y perspicaz de más de 365 historias mulás lleva a la famosa leyenda persa al siglo XXI. 

Contadores de historias y folkloristas, sufíes y yoguis, comediantes y buscadores de sabiduría, y todos los que aman reír se verán enriquecidos e iluminados por el ingenio intemporal, la sabiduría inescrutable y el inusual sentido del humor del mulá Nasruddin. 


Aventuras extraordinarias del mulá Nasrudín

Aventuras extraordinarias del mulá Nasrudín

Cuentos pícaros y sin expurgar del amado sabio loco del Oriente Medio y Lejano

por Ron J. Suresha

Traducido porJaime Alonso Caraveo Luna

ISBN: 978-1-07150-680-6

Esta secuela aclamada de la colección de folclor galardonada en 2010 de Suresha, explora aún más — y revela — las sorprendentes aventuras y hazañas secretas del amado sinvergüenza, de 800 años, el turco «sabio loco» mulá Nasrudín (Nasreddin Hoca). 

El autor ha viajado extensamente y realizado un amplio trabajo de investigación para desenterrar, traducir, coleccionar, y volver a contar estos 257 cuentos y chistes populares, auténticos, divertidos y escandalosos — incluyendo algunos «cuentos pícaros de Nasrudín» de cientos de años de antigüedad, procedentes de Turquía, el Levante, Eurasia, y de todo el mundo — muchos de ellos apareciendo en esa colección por primera vez en idioma inglés. 

Además de las docenas de cuentos populares y legendarios, algunos otros son chistes y anécdotas «tradicionales» relativamente graciosos, directos, en donde se describe al mulá en sus interacciones diarias con la familia, vecinos, burra, comunidad y forasteros durante sus innumerables viajes. 

Muchos cuentos son vulgares y obscenos, exploran temas tabú que no son apropiados para los niños, razón por la cual antes habían sido eliminados por razones morales. 

Se aconseja a los lectores examinar la Advertencia del libro que identifica esos temas. 

Los lectores adultos, humoristas, cuenta cuentos, folcloristas, y todos aquellos que gustan de reír con cuentos pícaros, se sorprenderán, se divertirán, se asombrarán — y probablemente hasta se ofenderán — con este volumen completamente revisado que cuenta al detalle la historia inalterada de las
Aventuras extraordinarias del mulá Nasrudín.

Revised edition of *Extraordinary Adventures* now back in print!

Announcing the new Revised Edition of the acclaimed authentic story collection!

Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin

 Order the book now from Amazon here.

Order the ebook from Amazon Kindle here.


~ Lambda Literary Awards, Finalist 

~ Rainbow Book Awards, Honorable Mention 

~ This acclaimed folklore collection details the escapades and exploits of the beloved 800-year-old Turkish “wise fool” Mullah Nasruddin (Nasreddin Hoca).   

~  Award-winning author Suresha has extensively researched to locate, collect, translate, and retell these 257 authentic, hilarious, outrageous folk tales and jokes, centuries-old “naughty Nasruddin” stories from the Levant and beyond, dozens gathered here in this volume in English for the first time.   

~  Some are relatively simple, straightforward “traditional” anecdotes and jokes depicting the Mullah as he daily interacts with his family, neighbors, donkey, community, and strangers during his myriad journeys.

~ Other stories may serve to disrupt our everyday expectations of normal behavior

~ Many bawdy, ribald tales, previously suppressed for moralistic reasons, explore taboo themes inappropriate for children.

~  Mature readers will be amazed, amused, and likely a bit affronted, by this thoroughly revised edition of the unadulterated account of the truly Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin.

Now back in print from Bear Bones Books!


Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin :
Naughty, unexpurgated tales of the beloved wise fool from the Middle & Far East
Revised Edition ~ collected & retold by Ron J. Suresha 
List Price: $20.00
6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
212 pages, b/w
ISBN-13: 9781982055677
ISBN-10: 1982055677
BISAC: Social Science / Folklore & Mythology
Bookstore Categories: Humor / Folklore / Middle Eastern Literature

Mature Readers Only.

New edition of *Uncommon Sense* now available

A new softcover edition of

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin

is now available from Bear Bones Books on Amazon.com!

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin, 2nd revised edition

The Kindle version of the new edition will be available very soon.

The audiobook, narrated by Ted Brooks, is still available from Audible.com.




Order your copy of the 2nd revised edition now!


Coming soon:

The first revised edition of

Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin

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