Got Off Easy the First Time

by rjs
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Published on: January 22, 2011

Got Off Easy the First Time

Once Nasruddin was taking a heavy block of salt to market on donkeyback. He drove his little grey burro, Karakacan, through the stream, and naturally the salt was dissolved. He was angry for the loss of the payload of salt, and the donkey was frisky with the relief of having its burden lightened.

The next time the boy brought the donkey to the river, he was returning with a large load of firewood, which he had worked hard to chop down in the forest. As Karakacan waded through the stream, the timber became soaked and increased her burden. The little donkey staggered under its freight as she tried to gain purchase on the riverbank.

“Ha!” exclaimed Nasruddin, “you thought you’d caught a break the first time you went through the water, didn’t you? Surely you didn’t expect you’d always get off so easily, my friend!”

Nasruddin is playing the old game, Pin the tail on the donkey. First he blames the donkey on losing the payload when the salt dissolved in the water, and for enjoying its burden lightened. Then he blames the donkey for her own suffering when the soaked wood is too heavy. Never mind that Nasruddin himself loaded the donkey with heavy packs of salt and wood, and then led the hapless animal into the river. It’s always much easier to blame the donkey for our own foolishness.
This story starts a series of donkey tales.

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