My side from yours

by rjs
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Published on: December 6, 2012

My Side from Yours

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah NasruddinOne inclement evening, just as Nasruddin and Fatima were settling into bed, Fatima suddenly sat bolt upright, clutching the covers, and gasped in fear, “Mullah, I heard something outside! Light the candle on your side of the bed and go investigate.”

Nasruddin, who was none too anxious to leave the comfort of his bed to confront whatever or whomever was outside there in the cold darkness, replied wearily, “I can’t even find the candle, Fatima. How do you expect me to tell my side from your side in the dark?”

Excerpted from The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin: Stories, Jests, and Donkey Tales of the Beloved Persian Folk Hero



Your Daily Nasruddin

“‘Tis better to light a candle than curse the darkness” – except when you are certain that lighting a candle will show you exactly what you don’t want to see.

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