Maximum capacity

by rjs
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Published on: January 4, 2011

Maximum capacity

An ancient, fragile, and valuable vase was discovered by the villagers, and there was a dispute at the teahouse as to the exact volume of its capacity. When the Mullah arrived, they implored him for a solution to the problem.

“The answer is quite apparent, my friends,” the Mullah assured the group. “Bring the vase, and a volume of sand.”

The teahouse wags did as Nasruddin instructed. The Mullah then proceeded to have them fill the vase, layer after layer, tamping it down with the bottom of his teacup. Ultimately it burst.

“There you are,” the Mullah said triumphantly. “We have reached the maximum capacity. Now just remove one grain of sand, count the remaining grains, and you will know the exact amount needed to fill a container like this.”

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